Saturday, September 1, 2012

And so it began

While sorting through some boxes of elementary school memories a while back, I came across an email sent to me from a boy who had been in my fifth grade class. He sent it to me clear back in 1998, but had written it several years earlier when we were in fifth grade. He never had the guts to give it to me. Haha. I'm just glad I still had the email so you could all enjoy its beauty.

Dearest Logan,

     How can I explain how you make me feel? When I stare into your eyes, all I seen is Heaven. I may be mean, but I do not know how else to show my emotions. I hope that you believe what I am writing, and trust that this isn't a joke.
     No one understands the way I feel when I see you. I can't think, I can't breathe. All thoughts turn towards you. The reason I am saying this now is because school is almost up and I have found out I am moving. I may never see you again. I wanted to leave, knowing how you felt about me. I am sorry for all my childish pranks. They were wrong, I knew this, but still, I did it.
     Fate is cruel, is it not? I am not sure how this will be delivered. Angel sits behind you, and Shaun likes her, maybe I can convince him to give it to you. Anyways, please tell me how you feel.
     Yours Truly,

 Had poor little Rob given that to me in fifth grade, I probably would have run the other direction. It could have been that I was in 5th grade, and boys still had cooties. Or, it could have been Rob's mulett. Or maybe a combination. Makes me laugh now, though. He must have been quite lovestruck to write such a note.

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