Sunday, September 23, 2012

The time my date ate my dinner.

Ready for another winner? And this date really has won me some bad date contests.

Michael and I were set up on a blind date. When he picked me up, he asked what I wanted to do. I, being easy going and just happy to be on a date, said it didn't matter to me. (Since he asked me that question, part of me did wonder if he had actually planned anything or if he was just flying by the seat of his pants.)

Michael: Well, we could go to a movie, go get dinner, go to a BYU hockey game, or something else.
Me: It doesn't mater......How about we...

Michael: (not giving me time to finish responding) I would prefer to go to the hockey game.
Me: Okay, That sounds fun! I've never been to a hockey game. (I should have asked,"Why did you give me choices, then?")

So we go to the game. It was fun. Until the 3rd period.

Michael: I'm kinda hungry. Let's leave.
Me. Um, ok. (I'm thinking, "The game is almost over, buddy! Can you wait 15 more minutes???)
We get to the car.

Michael: Where do you want to eat? What kind of food do you like? Do you have a favorite?
Me: My favorite is Italian, but I can find something anywhere!

Michael: Well, we could go to (some Peruvian place), LaCasita, (or some other restaurant)
Super small pause while I thought for a second. No time for me to respond.

Michael: Let's go to LaCasita.
Me: Sounds good.

We get to the restaurant about 30 minutes before they were to close. It was getting late (I think it was about 9:30), and I wasn't up for a huge meal. I ate as much of my dinner as I could. He very quickly ate all of his 3-entree meal, and then finished mine. Yes, that's right. He took the opportunity to eat my leftovers. I mean, the guy reached over, grabbed my plate, and proceeded to clean my plate. What if I had wanted to take my enchilada home for lunch the next day?!?
As if this date wasn't already lasting too long, he then decided that we should go back to his apartment and see what his roommates were doing. Of course, no one is there when we get there. So he decides he wants to play X-Box. I get to watch. Finally after about 40 minutes of watching him play, he offers for me to play as well. Of course I jump at the chance, seeing as how I am just sitting on his couch, bored out of my mind. As he hands me the game paddle, he proceeds to insult my intelligence by saying, "Let's see. I'll find a game where you only have to use your thumb to play. That way it won't be too complicated."
Wow. Did I look that stupid? Apparently I came off as one who is not capable of using more than one finger at a time. After we played the game for a few more minutes, he looked at me, and I think he finally got the clue and asked if I was ready to go home.
I found out a few weeks after our date that he had gotten engaged a week or so after we went out. He and his fiancee were "taking a break" for a month or so when he took me out. Awesome, eh?

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's cool if you buy your own, right?

As you can tell from my previous post, my poor dating luck began pretty much as soon as I started dating. Yet another case in point from my high school days:

Nathan was super cute. And I SO badly wanted him to ask me out. Well, he finally did, and I was thrilled! Our high school was putting on "Bye-Bye Birdie", so that was our plan. We of course were on a group date with some of his friends, who, for the record, were super obnoxious--- you know the type: the ones that do whatever they want, say whatever they want, talk as loudly as they want without any regard for social norms (I'm all about being yourself, but you should at least respect social rules to some extent, yeah?). Anyway, I digress. The play was lovely. I hadn't seen it before, so it was fun. We decided to go to ice cream after. Thinking this was part of the date, I assumed that all parts of the date would be paid for by Nathan. Well, we all know what assuming does. While we were waiting in line to get our ice cream, he turns to me and says, "So, it's cool if you buy your own, right?" Ummm. Panic. This had never happened to me before, and I had no idea what to say. My 17 year old self was not with it enough to make a witty remark about how he should pay. So I quickly replied that it was fine and proceeded to order. At least my ice cream was tasty!

Is it just me, or should he have at least asked me when we made the decision to go for ice cream, NOT when we were standing in line to buy it?!? What if I hadn't brought my wallet? Or what if I didn't have enough money? Maybe I should have played dumb and told him I didn't have any money. But, looking back on it, I probably would have been the only one without ice cream, 'cause it was pretty apparent that he wasn't going to fork out the three dollars to buy me dessert.

And thanks to Nathan, I have never forgotten my wallet on a date since then!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Once Upon a Senior Ball

It was my junior year in high school, and having moved over the summer, it was also my first year at that school. Needless to say, I was super excited when Sam asked me to go to Senior Ball with him. Perhaps I should have seen a red flag when he asked me by passing me a note in Biology that read, "Do you wanna to go Senior Ball? If it's a yes, look over at me. You're being filmed." Completely mortified at the thought of being filmed (and in front of my entire class, nonetheless), I refused to look at him. I wrote "yes" on the note and passed it back to him. *He later revealed that his dream was to become a director. Why he thought filming me in Biology would be a good start, I don't know.

Fast forward a couple of weeks. The day of the dance had arrived, and boy was I excited! Earlier that week, one of my friends, forgetting when the dance was, accidentally spilled the beans on the boys' plan to kidnap the girls for breakfast. Knowing that, I made sure my pjs were extra cute and going-out-in-public worthy. Well the time came, and I was rather shocked to wake up to him AND his camera bursting into my room (ps... mom, why did you let him into my room?!?). Oh, and as he was waking me and filming me, he swiftly ripped my covers off me and said, "Logan, wake up!" SERIOUSLY, dude? Seriously? Second red flag.

Following an adventure to the Denny's in AF, he dropped me off and told me that our day date would include sledding and other snowy fun. He'd pick me up at 3. Well, 3:00 came and went, and he wasn't there. 4:00 came and he still hadn't shown up. Frustrated, and not knowing what to do since I couldn't contact him, I thought I'd lie down and take a quick nap. I slept for longer than expected, and woke to him showing up at the door... at 5:00! And don't let me forget to mention that he was ready for the dance. And I was in my snow gear. With no make up on. And my hair was in a ponytail. Oh, and everyone else was already picked up and waiting for me in the van. Awesome. Would you be surprised if I told you that I was a wee bit upset?

Frantically, and with tears in my eyes, I ran to my room, threw my clothes on, slapped some mascara on, adjusted my ponytail, and ran out the door. (I learned shortly thereafter that they had decided to cancel the sledding activity, but Sam had just not bothered to call me. Super neat, eh?) So we were off to Souper Salad for a quick dinner then off to the dance for pictures. Pictures were fine. We had to sit on a snowmobile, and he wanted to do some sort of strange pose like I was a crazy driver and was throwing him off the machine. Refusing to play along with his shenanigans (and really wanting to throw him off the machine at that point), I smiled nicely while he pretended to fall off the snowmobile. It was classic. And now I have that moment frozen in time. :)

After some dancing (and I use the term loosely--- no dance skills here, my friends), our group left early to go sit in his friend's van and watch a movie. Yes, all eight of us, gathered around a tiny screen, watching a movie. Priceless, I tell you. Priceless!

The night eventually ended and I got to go home. Thankfully, Sam didn't ask me out again. He did, however, continue to bug me in Biology. I think my friend finally told him I wasn't interested, and I didn't hear much from him after that. Poor fella.

Moral of the story? Well, there is no moral. Just pray you don't have to go through what I did!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

And so it began

While sorting through some boxes of elementary school memories a while back, I came across an email sent to me from a boy who had been in my fifth grade class. He sent it to me clear back in 1998, but had written it several years earlier when we were in fifth grade. He never had the guts to give it to me. Haha. I'm just glad I still had the email so you could all enjoy its beauty.

Dearest Logan,

     How can I explain how you make me feel? When I stare into your eyes, all I seen is Heaven. I may be mean, but I do not know how else to show my emotions. I hope that you believe what I am writing, and trust that this isn't a joke.
     No one understands the way I feel when I see you. I can't think, I can't breathe. All thoughts turn towards you. The reason I am saying this now is because school is almost up and I have found out I am moving. I may never see you again. I wanted to leave, knowing how you felt about me. I am sorry for all my childish pranks. They were wrong, I knew this, but still, I did it.
     Fate is cruel, is it not? I am not sure how this will be delivered. Angel sits behind you, and Shaun likes her, maybe I can convince him to give it to you. Anyways, please tell me how you feel.
     Yours Truly,

 Had poor little Rob given that to me in fifth grade, I probably would have run the other direction. It could have been that I was in 5th grade, and boys still had cooties. Or, it could have been Rob's mulett. Or maybe a combination. Makes me laugh now, though. He must have been quite lovestruck to write such a note.

Oh, the adventures of dating...

After relating a recent date experience to my little sister, she suggested that I create a blog to journal all of my crazy adventures with the less than tactful male daters of the world. Brilliant. Since I seem to attract the crazies of the world, I figured I had plenty of material to go off of. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I have been a victim of tactless dating for the greater portion of my 12+ years of being on the dating market. Let me tell you, you are in for a treat! :)

As exciting as my mishaps are, I would love to hear from YOU as well! Hopefully these stories will make you laugh, and maybe some will spark some of your own memories of dating. Because let's be honest. Everyone has at least one bad date they can share!

This blog is not a place to be bitter, angry, or to vent out frustrations (That is what girl's nights out are for). It is a place to laugh together and have a whole lot of fun. So start thinking and get submitting! I can't wait to hear from you all!

*Feel free to pass this along to friends you may know who could contribute as well! The more, the merrier!