Sunday, November 11, 2012

There are no words...

Are you ready for this one? This is the date that inspired this beloved blog. It's another long one, but I promise you, this is one you don't want to miss out on.

So I have an adorable ten year old brother who came home from school one day early in the school year telling me about Luke, this totally awesome student teacher/aide he had in his class, who just so happened to be my same age and single. He asked if he could give Luke my number. I politely declined. Well, my cute little brother refused to give up. He would mention it off and on again as the school year progressed. Every time, I would tell him no.

Well, the time came for the 4th grade end of the year program. Naturally, I wasn't going to miss such an event. And of course the aide in his classroom wouldn't either. Haha. Apparently my brother had been nervous all day because there was a chance I would actually get to meet Luke at the program. So cute of him. After the program ended, my brother started to bug me about Luke again, and I wasn't having it. My dear, sweet grandmother overheard and started to join in on the hassling. I finally gave in and told my brother to go get him and I would say hi and talk to him.

I have to admit, when I saw him, I thought he was pretty cute, and when we talked, he seemed very normal. No numbers were exchanged at that time, but we had a quick conversation, and that was that. I decided to give him a chance and told my brother to give him my number the next day at school. Two days later, we went on a date.

The first date was a blast. He took me long boarding down the canyon... which is totally not my thing. Luckily, he was very patient and was a great teacher. He didn't even make fun of me when I completely ate it at the end of the run. We drove to a park after that, where we sat and chatted for a while and played Battleship and Frisbee. The date was going really well, and I was having a ton of fun.

We parted ways for a while, but made plans to get back together for a movie later that night. Again, he was totally normal and really easy to talk to. It seemed like things were going quite nicely.

...And then Monday came. Ohhhhh boy. We had quite the text conversation. I will let them do the storytelling from here on out... (*Excuse any spelling errors... I am typing the texts as he typed them.)

Me: Hey! How has your day been?
Him: Pretty good. So listen, you're a great girl, but I just can't date anyone right now.
Me: Okay... can't or don't want to?
Him: I can't.
Me: Okay. Care to explain?
Him: It's too long to tell through text. It would be better shared in person.
Loooooooong pause.
Him: Well, okay. I guess I will tell you anyway. I've typed it three times just trying to figure out what to say. I feel impressed to tell you that I am an unprofitable servant. I knew you liked me. And I cannot bare to see a pretty girl such as yourself cry when the Lord tells you, "Logan, Luke is not ready, he is not the one. Give him time"... But I still ask girls out, I just tell them the truth. If they want to see me after I tell them the truth, I will see them... but I not only do this to protect their hearts, but my heart has gotten close to another as well... and it makes me an even stronger honest man when it comes to dating.
Me: I understand you have been hurt in the past. I'm sorry. But if you aren't wanting to date, why do you ask girls out?
Him: I have gotten impressions (holy ghost) to not date. But then I go to conference and the profet says date, so I ask out a pretty girl here or here, live the law of chastity. But it comes down to one thing, tears from me or tears from her... so I tell the girls I meet this so that they know I mean business.

(Allow me to interject for a minute... WTH?!? What is he even talking about?)

Me: Well I guess you've got to go with your feelings.

Him: I know the Lord is preparing me for something great. As I see my friends fall to alcohol or lusting after women, and I grow stronger protecting the purity of women and learning of the gospel and preparing to be a master teacher. I know that as my virtue grows and I have women paying extra attention to me, that I must continue to mature and become the man that a daughter of God deserves. I need to reach the point where I can introduce a daughter of God into the house of the Lord and stand as a beacon to many down below who are searching for light."

(I was totally speechless at this point. There weren't any words.)

Him: Know this... you are my friend, and I will always remember you.

Me: Thanks, Luke. Good luck.

Oh ma woooord. That was the most bizarre conversation I have ever had. What was he even saying? Notice how he talked about himself as if he were the most amazing man in the world? It's not every day you can call yourself a "beacon of light."

I thought that would be the end of it. Boy was I wrong. A week later, he texted me again. This conversation went as follows:

Him: Hey Morgan.
Me: Who's Morgan?
Him: Oops. Sorry. Wrong text. (Or maybe wrong girl?!)
Him: So how are you? Would you like to go to Seven Peaks with me on Saturday?
Me: Thanks for the offer, but I already have something going on that day.
Him: Okay, well how about another day this week then?
Me: Thanks, but this week is honestly really busy for me. I just don't think I have the time.
Him: Hmmm. Okay. Well how about another time.
Me: I just really don't think this will work out.
Him: Okay, have a good night.

He did send me a text two weeks later with a bunch of pictures where he was trying on a hat/wig thing. I never replied. I think he got the hint.... I didn't hear from him again.

SO strange. I mean, I know I'm not the one to judge another's spirituality, but when he started throwing out lines that put him above others and stuff like that, I knew something wasn't right. I don't know of anyone who talks like that. Except him. He sounds a bit extreme and almost like he is trying to hide something and make himself sound more spiritual than he is. At least he unleashed the crazy before we went on another date.

See? As totally and completely not fun as it is to be single, there are worse things in life.

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